sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012

On my way...

I have always wanted to travel out of the country and I have always wanted to learn Spanish. And I can't believe that both of these things are actually about to happen. I am the adventurous type, but life has never given me the opportunity to go on a real adventure... until now that is... I hope Spain is ready for this, because it's about to get real.

Currently I am finishing my packing (I procrastinated most of it, of course), and it still has not hit me that any of this is actually happening. There has been numerous hurdles (like a boss that actually wants me to come to work...) that I have had to overcome to be able to take a month and a half off of my life. And even though I am really nervous and full of apprehension of what to expect, I am stoked for what is about to go down.

I hope that I leave Spain with many new memories and new friends.

And somehow, I am still surprised that they would let me into Europe...

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